Monday, June 8, 2015

Project WHEE!

            Hi lovelies! I've got a week long break currently and I've got all the time I need for writing more on my blog here. Recently my mother and I came across a new project called WHEE! project and we tried our best to do more research on this project.

           This project amazed me. It selects the most suitable candidates and fly them over to Bario, Sarawak to teach some villagers there basic English. Having the minimal knowledge of basic English, the villagers are able to improve their lifestyle by getting extra income through guiding some tourists. It is such an amazing opportunity for us young adults to make an impact on the villagers at Bario.

           The WHEE! project was fairly interesting and I signed up for it immediately. The paper work for registration was simple and easy to fill up. After filling up the whole form, my mouse hovered over the 'send' button and I felt nervous. Should I do this? Am I enough to fulfill all the criteria of the project? Will I be able to contribute, even just a little bit? The answer was a little clouded at first, but after looking at it from different perspectives, the answer was a solid yes. The 'send' button was clicked on, all was up to the organisers now.

           I definitely am looking forward to having this experience in my life. I want to be able to take an actual look at the rural areas that are a total contrast to my current life and put myself into their shoes. I bet the people there are absolutely friendly and caring, and that made me want to get to know them more. I'll make sure to update you all if I do get selected!

           That's all for now, friends! Comment down below if you want to get to know about this project even more and I'll try my best to help you out! See you soon.

Hui Wen

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Insurgent Movie Review!

          Hi lovelies! I'm sorry I haven't been writing in a while. I was quite busy with school and I've just finished my exam so huzzah!

          Anyway, on to the movie review. Can I just say, the Divergent series are my absolute favorite, hands down. After reading the whole series, I went and watched the Divergent movie. mind. I legit sat there and was trying to comprehend how amazing the movie was. Neil Burger did a GREAT job on directing the movie.

          Being THAT amazed by Divergent, I did have quite a high expectation for Insurgent. I was so excited for Insurgent. I went into the theater and was shaking from excitement (I don't know..). Before the movie started my head was just flowing with the plot and my undying love for the casts.

         Okay friends, here comes the spoilers. If you have yet to watch the movie, then please do not continue reading and do come back after you've finished watching the movie. Well, unless you like my writing so much you just want to read what I've got to say (yeah right). Hey, let me have some self-esteem.

         Let's begin, shall we. I liked the movie. I just didn't fall in love with it like I did with Divergent.
I was really confused when I came out from the theaters. I just couldn't wrap my head around the idea of the movie. They've changed so much of the book and left out a few major parts, which was disappointing.

         I've really liked the beginning of Insurgent. The anger Tris had when Peter insulted her and the way they shot the fight between Tris and Peter. Gosh. The start of the movie portrayed Amity very well. But I felt like they didn't carry out the reason of Tris cutting her hair short quite well. Tris also had a major fear of using the guns in this book but she was using the gun throughout the whole movie? Her fear was so important in the book and it brought up so many other issues. The movie did not do well on that.

         The movie was all about Jeanine wanting to get 'The Box' open but I don't seem to recall the presence of 'The Box' in the book.. If it did, then I'm even more confused haha. The movie did a lot of special effect which was nice but it felt a little bit over-done.

         I liked the part when Tris was announced dead and Tobias got furious. The way Peter explained to Four about what happened injected a dose of fun into the movie and lightened the mood a little. That scene showed how much Tobias cared about Tris and gosh I love them. That scene was touching. Theo played the character Tobias really well. I mean, who doesn't gawk over Theo James?!

       I would've liked it better if they stressed on the hatred Christina felt towards Tris after she found out Tris killed Will. It broke their friendship and the movie did not show that at all. That scene was very messily pushed away and correct me if I'm wrong, Christina forgave Tris in Insurgent, right? Or was it in Allegiant? I'm not too sure. If that was in Insurgent, gosh that was such a huge plot they missed out.

       I just realised that if I told you everything I felt about Insurgent, you couldn't even finsih reading this post. Hm. Well comment down below of what you thought of Insurgent. I would LOVE to hear what you all thought about Insurgent. Until next time!

Hui Wen


Friday, January 23, 2015


            Hey guys.. I'm SO SO sorry that I haven't been writing on my blog for the past month. You could say I was preeeetty busy. School started last week and I had to get my life together for once. This is just a quick update on my life and I PROMISE I'll upload more often. Bear with me and I'll put up something very very soon :)

            Stay awesome anonymous strangers on the internet who I most probably don't know.
Hui Wen      

Friday, November 28, 2014

Top 5 5sos Fan-Fiction!

        Hey Internet! I've decided to come up with my 5 all time favorite 5sos fan-fiction. These are the fan-fiction that I've read on Wattpad for several times because I absolutely LOVE them and I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I have. I only get to read fan-fics on Wattpad so there might be other fan-fics out there that I'll love more, who knows? These following 5 fan-fics are not particular order, I love them equally as much. 


           I know, I know. There's 3 books from fivesaucewhoop but what can I say, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE her work. Anyway, I won't describe the book to you because I don't wanna ruin the books for ya. I often find myself not being able to put down my phone after I've started reading any of these 5 books, honestly. They aren't those sappy and boring fan-fics that you'll know what'll happen next, they're unpredictable but yet melts your heart at certain parts. I hope you'll find them fun to read and comment down below what you'd like me to review next time! Happy reading!

Hui Wen

PS- I've watched ARIAs yesterday and it was amazingggg. 
PPS- 5sos rocks yo. 
PPPS- let's not forget 1D.
PPPPPS- i should stop now

Monday, November 24, 2014

Between The Lines Book Review!


        Hmm, how do I start off with this book? Well, this book is the very first book I've read well Jodi Picoult - and her daughter, Samantha - and probably my favorite of the bunch as the days go on (just realised favorite doesn't has a 'U' in it. Oops?).

        The book is written in different perspectives of the characters in the book, and that explains why I was a little confused at first. I particularly liked how the words were simple and flowing gracefully, expressing the thoughts of the characters in the book.

        The combination of fictional world and reality was unpredictable with a tad bit of heart throbbing romance. Jodi and Samantha really captured how much Delilah wanted Oliver to be real, instead of being a 2D fictional character. Although I have to admit at first I bought the book online because the book cover looked appealing (don't we all) , but I'm glad bought it after all!

         I can REALLY connect to Delilah's personality because she loves books and just hates school- she once said "Because you can count on a book to stay the same. Everything else changes when you least expect it." and I guess we are both on the same page! You see, people change, things happen, nothing stays the same forever. But we can all trust books to stay the same, you always know what's coming next. You'll know how many chapters the book has, you'll know how the story twists in the end. (woah we just got deep there didn't we)

         I was introduced to Jodi Picoult through this book. I've bought a few books written by her after that and her writing continues to fascinate me. If you'd want me to do a review of some of them, let me know in the comments below! Happy reading!

Hui Wen

PS- I've just watched The AMAs and 5sos dominated the stage as usual. I'm so proud of them for winning their first ever AMA. HERE'S TO 5SOS. CHEERS Y'ALL. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Divergent Book Review!

           Can I just say that once I've started reading it, oh my, I could not get my hands off of it. Divergent was probably the best action + romance book I've ever read. Thumbs up to Veronica Roth! Its story line was a little similar to The Hunger Games but both of them has its own perks and equally as good. 

           Beatrice Prior shone throughout the entire book. She has never lacked bravery, courage and skills. Her smart thinking was able to manipulate different tough obstacles as well as spotting the loopholes of situations. 

           The beauty in this book was the flow of the story. First the Choosing Ceremony, then the training and lastly the uprising of Erudite and Dauntless leaders. Divergent tightly plotted and never lacked excitement. It has always left me thinking 'what's next? what'll happen?' and that was probably the reason why I had dark eye circles for the past few days. 

           The Divergent world was cleverly planned by Roth and has unforgettable details. The gripping and fast-paced plot has just the right amount of Dauntless violence and a dash of teenage romance. We explore the Divergent world through the vast imagination of Veronica Roth and going through roller coasters of emotion of losing loved ones, brutal violence that was cause by rage and anger, and relentless leaders that does everything they can to seize control. 

           Cheers to Veronica Roth for producing a book this brilliant. I hope you liked my review of Divergent, you could tell me what you think of Divergent too down in the comment section below! Happy reading! 

Hui Wen 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Books, Audiobooks or eBooks?

             Books, audiobooks of eBooks? Well, all three of them have the same similarities that is they all are thoughts that are composed into words either fictionally or non-fictionally. They all are based on limitless imagination or real life stories and serve the same purpose that is to humor one or supply more information to us.

             So, which is better? I can't force you to think which is better because everyone has different opinions and tastes but I, personally, prefer the good ol'-fashioned, humble books. Although I do have to pay a certain amount of money to buy books in order to read it while the other two options offer free books sometimes, I do not despise it nor do I get tired of it.

             You see, audiobooks are meant for busy people who don't even have time to sit down and enjoy a book, so they listen to it. I find 'listening' to books so so so frustrating. I tend to zone out or daydream very easily. If I do actually give audiobooks a try, I'll have to rewind the audio again and again and eventually get angry at myself for zoning out so frequently.

            Okay, imagine this: you're driving on the road while listening to an audiobook on a lovely day. You see a car trying to cut your lane. You feel angry and step on the pedal harder to bypass that car. You bypass the car and feel proud of yourself. You go 'hey, wasn't I listening to an audiobook just now?' and you hear a faint monotone woman voice reading a book out loud. You do a mental note to not zone out anymore to keep track of the book's progress and - hey! You zoned out again.

            Ebooks, for an instance, is great! You can bring it anywhere you want and the book will not go missing like books do. But sometimes when I'm tired, reading pixelated words on my phone that is emitting an impressive amount of light directly into my face through a screen is very tiring. My eyes get sore and I feel tired very quickly.

            Ah, moving on to books, finally! I'm not trying to brag but I get lost in the virtual world of the books so much more easier than audiobooks and eBooks. I block everything out. I forget everything, I lose track of time and I just enjoy the books and words more. Books have such massive impact on my thoughts and lifestyle. For example, after reading John Green's books, I get deep and emotional; after reading Ellen DeGeneres books, I constantly crack stupid jokes.

           I hope you get an idea of what I'm saying. Thanks for reading my post and comment down below if you enjoy my thoughts as posts or what you'd want me to post about next. Happy reading!

Hui Wen